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The Dionaea Muscipula, commonly known as the Venus Flytrap, is a fascinating carnivorous plant that captures and digests insects to supplement its nutrient needs. This plant is characterized by its jaw-like leaves that snap shut when triggered by the movement of prey. To care for a Venus Flytrap, it is important to keep the soil consistently moist and provide a humid environment. This plant belongs to the family Droseraceae, which also includes other carnivorous plant species like the Sundew and Pitcher Plant. Bring home a Dionaea Muscipula and experience the wonder of a plant that can catch its own food

Dionaea Muscipula (Venus Flytrap)

SKU: HS00173
  • The Dionaea Muscipula, commonly known as the Venus Flytrap, is a fascinating carnivorous plant that captures insects with its unique trap mechanism. This plant is native to the wetlands of the southeastern United States and grows best in a humid environment.

  • To care for a Venus Flytrap, it's important to provide it with plenty of sunlight, distilled water, and a nutrient-poor soil. As a member of the family Droseraceae, this plant is closely related to other carnivorous plants such as the Sundew and Pitcher Plant. Bring home a Venus Flytrap and add a touch of intrigue to your plant collection

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